Learning about the Holocaust

Learning about the Holocaust
Teaching Each Other!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Week of December 5, an interview with Elie Wiesel

Hi everyone,

Today you will watch Oprah Winfrey's interview with Elie Wiesel. After each clip, write down three new ideas you learned.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Watch the videos.

Then answer the questions on the handout and then type them into the comments below our blog:

  1. What is your emotional reaction to what you saw?
  2. What did you learn from each clip?
  3. Elie Wiesel said it would be the last time he'd visit Auschwitz. How do you think it feels for him to visit this place and why?
  4. If you could ask Elie Wiesel a question, what would you ask him?

Monday, November 17, 2014

Week of November 21, more quote sandwiches, and responding to quotes

Hi everyone,

This week we do TWO things. If you don't complete the work during class time, you will have to finish for HW.

  1. Make a new quote sandwich.
  2. Respond to quotes

First make a new quote sandwich for Eliezer, from the latest section of the book. Do this on the back of the blog worksheet. Here are the instructions again, in case you forgot how to do it! 

Write one full paragraph, following this structure:
Top slice of bread = your thoughts, beliefs and ideas about the character. "Eliezer is ________________ because __________." This should be about 2-3 sentences long.
•In the middle is the meat = the quote from the story that teaches us about this character. "We can see this in the quote on page ___, "...."".
•Bottom slice of bread = “this quotes shows us that…” Concluding sentences, again proving what you believe about this character. Again about 2-3 sentences long.

Next, read the quotes below about fear, and do the following for 3 quotes. Do this on the chart on the blog worksheet:

1. Paraphrase the quote: what does it mean in your own words.

2. Agree or disagree and say why.
3. Connect this quote to Night and "The Key Game"
  • Fear is faith that it won't work out.  ~Sister Mary Tricky
  • Fear is the lengthened shadow of ignorance.  ~Arnold Glasow
  • Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends.  ~Shirley Maclaine
  • Those who fear life are already three parts dead.  ~Bertrand Russell
  • Fear makes us feel our humanity.  ~Benjamin Disraeli
  • Fear is static that prevents me from hearing myself.  ~Samuel Butler
After, in the comments section below, please answer these questions:
  1. What was the purpose of this activity?
  2. What about it was challenging for you?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Week of November 14, Exploring the Settings of Night and Quote Sandwiches

Hi everyone,

Today we are going to do several things on our blog:

1. Please visit these websites to see a map of the settings in Night and a timeline of the events in Night:

a. Google map of settings

b. US Holocaust museum timeline of Elie Wiesel's life

As you go to these websites, please use the blog note sheet to take notes. Then post your answers below in our comments section.

After you do this, complete this assignment:

Quote Sandwiches about Characters
You will be creating three quote sandwiches,
Eliezer's father (Shlomo)
Madame Schachter
Write one full paragraph for each character, as a quote sandwich, following this structure:
Top slice of bread = your thoughts, beliefs and ideas about the character. "Eliezer is ________________ because __________." This should be about 2-3 sentences long.
•In the middle is the meat = the quote from the story that teaches us about this character. "We can see this in the quote on page ___, "...."".
•Bottom slice of bread = “this quotes shows us that…” Concluding sentences, again proving what you believe about this character. Again about 2-3 sentences long.Please type your quote sandwiches and print them. If you can't print because you are using a laptop, write them on a piece of paper.

III.       My most precious possessions:

The Nazis permit Elie and his family to take only their most precious possessions or what they can carry to the ghetto. When the Nazis evacuate the Jewish families from the ghettos and force them to board the cattle cars for work camps, they again tell them to take only what they can carry.

Directions: If you were in a situation where you were forced to suddenly leave your home and were told only to bring those items you could carry to the ghetto, what would you bring? Make a list of the items you would bring, but remember they must be items you can carry with you.

Do this work on your blog worksheet, and then post them to our comments below.

Finally read the posts of your classmates and write responses to at least three of them telling them:
1. What did you like about their post?
2. What did you learn from them?

Monday, October 20, 2014

Week of October 20, our research continues...

Research project...

  • Today we will continue working on research and group presentations.
  • Please read the instructions on the research assignment I've prepared for you.
  • Each student in the group must complete two logs (that means each student has to read two articles, taking notes, and complete one log for each article).
  • Only use the websites below for your research:

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Week of October 17, Welcome to our class blog, grades, and research!

Hi everyone,

Today we will learn about our class blog and then learn how to find our grades each marking period. Finally we will begin our research projects in preparation for reading Night.

1. Grades... 

  • I use a program called Engrade to calculate your grades. Please go to the Engrade website to register and see your grades. You need your access code to do this.
  • Now please answer the questions on the grade evaluation form
2.  Research project...

  • Today we will begin working on research and group presentations.
  • Please read the instructions on the research assignment I've prepared for you.
  • Each student in the group must complete two logs (that means each student has to read two articles, taking notes, and complete one log for each article).
  • Only use the websites below for your research:

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Week of June 7, Grades

Hi everyone,

Today we will think about grades for the final marking period.
  • As you know, I am using a program called Engrade to calculate your grades. Please go to the Engrade website to register and see your grades. You need your access code to do this.
  • Before you write about your grades, please register for the library's summer reading program. It's free and you get prizes for reading books! How cool!!
  • Now please answer the questions below in Google Docs:
  • Please give me feedback (comments/suggestions) about your experience in the class. Please be specific and honest as this will help make the class better for you and everyone else in the coming semester.

  1. What did you enjoy about class this marking period?  Why?  Please refer to specific activities, projects, workshops, etc.
  2. What didn't you enjoy and why?  Please be specific.
  3. Were there any activities/projects/topics that we didn't cover that you want us to cover?  Which ones? 
  4. What can I do to make the class better for you (aside from no homework J )?  Please be specific.
  5. Has your English improved since the class began?  If yes, how?  If no, why not? Please think carefully about this.
  6. When and where do you usually do your homework?
  7. Do you find it difficult to do your homework? Why?
  8. How much time do you spend looking at your class notes each week?
  9. What can you do to improve your class participation?
  10. How do you study for tests and quizzes?
  11. Do you feel that the grade you are getting right now is the best you can do? Why?
  12. What strategies will you use to get a better grade next marking period?
  13. What advice can you give to your classmates to make their experience in this class more meaningful?
  14. Fill in the blanks..."From class this marking period, one thing I will take is _______________ and one thing I will give is ________________."

Friday, May 17, 2013

Week of May 24, Letters to Suzanne Fisher Staples

Hi everyone,

Write a letter to Suzanne Fisher Staples. This is a formal letter, and it should be typed.  Please use the format below.  I will mail the letters to her and maybe she will write us back!  In your letter, please do the following:

Begin with a formal greeting, “Dear Ms Fisher Staples”

Paragraph 1:    Introduce yourself, name, country of origin, grade in school, how long you’ve been in the US, and why you’re writing to her (in my ESL class, we just finished your novel, Shabanu)

Paragraph 2:    Tell her what the book meant to you. Tell her what you enjoyed about it and why, how it made you feel and why, and any text to self connections you made as you read. Be specific.  Refer to actual quotes from the novel(go back to your reading logs to do this, and look at your double entry journals).

Paragraph 3:    Ask her questions you have about the book. Make sure you are respectful and only ask appropriate questions.

Then thank her for reading your letter and writing the memoir.  

Close with “Sincerely” and then print your name and sign the letter.

Do your work in Google Docs!!

Layout for a formal letter:

Your name
Street Address
City, State Zip Code
Today’s date

Dear Ms. Fisher Staples,

My name is…(see above for all details from Paragraph 1).

Your novel Shabanu meant so much to me… (see above for all details from Paragraph 2).

I have some questions about the novel…(see above for Paragraph 3).

Thank you for your time reading my letter and for writing the memoir.


Sign your name
Print your name