Learning about the Holocaust

Learning about the Holocaust
Teaching Each Other!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week of March 13, Coalition of Immokalee Workers

Hi everyone,

This week we are going to learn about the Coalition of Immokalee Workers.

Please visit their website.

Now watch these films about the organization:

Watch Immokalee on PBS. See more from Connect.

Now watch this Public Service Announcement:
Then answer these questions (you can find the answers on the CIW's website):
  1. What is the mission of this organization?
  2. Where are they located?
  3. What successes have they had?
  4. What is their current campaign about?
  5. What inspires you about their work and why?
Now please post your response to our blog as a comment.
Then read three other students' blogs and write responses.

Week of March 6, Nothing Gold Can Stay

Hi everyone,

This week we are going to read a poem called "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost.

Nothing Gold Can Stay

By Robert Frost

1. Nature's first green is gold,

2. Her hardest hue to hold.

3. Her early leaf's a flower;

4. But only so an hour.

5. Then leaf subsides to leaf.

6. So Eden sank to grief,

7. So dawn goes down to day.

8. Nothing gold can stay.

Please watch this video, a visual interpretation of the poem.
Please answer these questions in Google Docs:
  1. What is one part of the poem you like and why?
  2. What is one part you didn't understand?
  3. What is one question you have?
  4. What do you think this poem is about?
Then post your answer as a comment to our class blog.

Finally, read three classmates comments and write responses to them telling them what you learned from their post and what you liked about it.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Week of February 27, Respect for All

Hi everyone,

This week we are going to think about bullying and why it's a human rights violation.

To begin, please visit these websites:
  1. The Bully Project - watch trailer by clicking on link, then clicking button that says "watch trailer"

  2. NY Times interview - watch what the film maker says.

  3. CNN clip on film - watch
  4. Watch this film:

  5. Go to Do Something and do something. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Where it asks you what cause, select violence and bullying. Then fill out the rest of the form and do what it asks you to do! Also, give them your email address to get emails about helping others.
  6. In google docs, write a response to the questions below:
  • a. What does bullying mean to you?

  • b. Have you ever been a victim of bullying? How did it make you feel?

  • c. How is bullying a human rights issue?

  • d. What steps can you personally take to help those who are bullied
When you finish, please post your response as a comment on our blog. After you post your response, read 3 other students' responses and write a response to them.