Learning about the Holocaust

Learning about the Holocaust
Teaching Each Other!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week of April 11, Quote Sandwiches for Shabanu

Quote Sandwiches about Characters

This week we are going to analyze the characters in Shabanu by Suzanne Fisher Staples, as we know them in the beginning of the novel. We will continue doing this over the next weeks, to see how the characters change.

In Google Docs, create a document called Blog 7: "Shabanu Character Quote Sandwiches"

You will be creating four quote sandwiches, one for 
  • Shabanu
  • Phulan
  • Mama
  • Dadi
Write one full paragraph for each character, as a quote sandwich, following this structure:

Top slice of bread = your thoughts, beliefs and ideas about the character. "Shabanu is ________________ because __________." This should be about 2-3 sentences long.
•In the middle is the meat = the quote from the story that teaches us about this character. "We can see this in the quote on page ___, "...."".
•Bottom slice of bread = “this quotes shows us that…” Concluding sentences, again proving what you believe about this character. Again about 2-3 sentences long.
When you are finished, post your quote sandwiches to our blog.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Week of March 14, Fighting Bullying

Hi everyone,

This week we are learning about how to fight against bullying.

Please visit this wonderful PBS website.

While you are there, you can find answers to the questions below.

  1. What is bullying?
  2. Who is a bully?
  3. Who is a target?
  4. How can you handle it?
  5. What are innocent bystanders?
  6. What is online bullying?

Please type your answers in Google Docs and then post them to our blog.

Also, please do the following:

  1. Play the interactive games on the website to beat the bully!
  2. Vote in their poll on the homepage
Finally, please visit these great websites and write a review on your favorite:


Ms Mann

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week of March 7, Grades for Marking Period 1

Hi everyone,

Today we will think about grades for the first marking period.

  • I am using a program called Engrade to calculate your grades. Please go to the Engrade website to register and see your grades. You need your access code to do this, which is on the strip of paper I've given you.
  • Now please answer the questions below in Google Docs:
  1. What did you enjoy about class this marking period?  Why?  Please refer to specific activities, projects, workshops, etc.
  2. What didn't you enjoy and why?  Please be specific.
  3. Were there any activities/projects/topics that we didn't cover that you want us to cover?  Which ones? 
  4. What can I do to make the class better for you (aside from no homework J )?  Please be specific.
  5. Has your English improved since the class began?  If yes, how?  If no, why not? Please think carefully about this.
  6. When and where do you usually do your homework?
  7. Do you find it difficult to do your homework? Why?
  8. How much time do you spend looking at your class notes each week?
  9. What can you do to improve your class participation?
  10. How do you study for tests and quizzes?
  11. Do you feel that the grade you are getting right now is the best you can do? Why?
  12. What strategies will you use to get a better grade next marking period?
  13. What advice can you give to your classmates to make their experience in this class more meaningful?
  14. Fill in the blanks..."From class this marking period, one thing I will take is _______________ and one thing I will give is ________________."
  • Now post your answers on our class blog as a comment.