Learning about the Holocaust

Learning about the Holocaust
Teaching Each Other!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Week of February 22, Quote Sandwiches

Quote Sandwiches and Inferences
Hi everyone,

This week we are going to review the characters in "The One Who Watches" by Judith Ortiz Cofer

In Google Docs, create a document called Blog 3: "Character Quote Sandwiches"

You will be creating two quote sandwiches, one for 
  • Doris
  • Yolanda
Write paragraph for each character, as a quote sandwich, following this structure:

Top slice of bread = your thoughts, beliefs and ideas about the character. "Doris is ________________ because __________."
•In the middle is the meat = the quote from the story that teaches us about this character. "We can see this in the quote on page ___, "...."".
•Bottom slice of bread = “this quotes shows us that…” Concluding sentences, again proving what you believe about this character.
When you are finished, post your quote sandwiches to our blog.


  1. Doris is scared because Yolanda is about to get in trouble and it is too much for Doris.
    We can see this in quote on page 80, “I’m still moving back toward the light of the door. I know that I can’t act scared, that I shouldn't run.”
    This quote show us that Doris is feeling scared about what will happen and trying to run away from it.

    Yolanda is thief because when she don’t have money to buy things, she steal it.
    We can see this in quote on page 79, “In one motion she has stuffed the little bag into her pocket.”
    This quote show us that Yolanda has no attention from her parents ,so she steal things and make dangerous things.

    1. ok .....Yolanda is a thief because she doesn't have enough money , but also because she doesn't have somebody that could teach her right from wrong .

    2. nice introduction of your ideas .:)

  2. Ricardo Andujar 2/21/2013

    "Character Quote Sandwiches"


    Doris seen like as a calm person because she doesn't want to get in trouble or
    any kind of difficulties by the actions she takes on her life.
    “I ain't gonna steal if , Doris ,” she says . “ I’m just gonna walk down that runway,
    like this.”
    Here we can see that Doris take a decision about not doing something that
    is wrong as steal things and she gets away from there because she doesn't want to be involved on anything that could happen here .


    Yolanda behaves like a kid . . . because she always want things that she cannot get ,she tries to be in a good mod or at least act as if she were in a good mod .
    ”Yolanda went all around the viewing deck like a child, yelling out, “Mira! Mira!” from every corner.She was feeling good.” ____________________________________________________________________
    As she is poor , she always tries to be happy although there are things she can’t get because of the cost of the items or she wants to get attention ,maybe she would stole things she wants , maybe she group up with Doris because she feels lonely … who knows ….

    1. emm about Doris the page is #73
      and for Yolanda is on page #76.

  3. Doris: Top slice of bread “Doris is a follower, because she always listen to Yolanda, and go to doing it.”
    In the middle is the meat “We can see this in the quote on page 72, “”Mira, Mira.” my friend Yolanda yellas out. She’s always telling me to look at something. And I always do. I look, she does.”
    Bottom slice of bread “This quote shows us that Doris is a follower listen to the leader, and the leader is Yolanda. So, she always listen to Yolanda.

    Yolanda: Top slice of bread ”Yolanda is not a honest girl, because she is steal thing from the store, but she doesn’t think this action could be steal.
    In the middle is the meat “We can see this in the quote on page 75, “” I wasn’t stealing your theengs,” she said, imitating the women's uptown accent. “Then what were you doing in our dressing room, trying to disrupt the fashion show?” “No. I was going to model the dress.”
    Bottom slice of bread “This quote shows us that Yolanda is not honest, but her father was died, her mother no time to teach her steal is a bad action, and her action could be steal, but she doesn’t know.

  4. Doris is a girl who feels confusing about her future and feels peer pressure, because she with her friends Yolanda the girl who gives her peer pressure and make her feels confusing.

    “ I start feeling a little sick to my stomach and almost tell her I‘m going home to bed.” Page 78.

    This quote shows that Doris feels a little sick to her stomach and she did not want go with Yolanda, but she did not say to her. It shows that Doris feels peer pressure from Yolanda and feels confusing about what Yolanda did.

    Yolanda is a bossy girl who feels nobody cares about her and try to do something bad to get attention. Because she stole something and tell her friends Doris doing things with her.

    “It’s like the world is a deli full of pricey treats to Yolanda, and she wants the most expensive ones in fancy boxes, the ones she can't afford.” Page 72.

    This quote shows that Yolanda is a bossy girl and she flashy, she wants the expensive things she wants fancy things. Only because she did not get enough attention she feels nobody cares about her. So she needs the expensive to fill in her empty mind.

  5. Liz Chiquez

    Doris is , quite ,sentimental and follower because she always stay where Yolanda is . Doris is a good girl also because she avoid to do bad thing that can affect her life.We can see in the quote on page 74 “I promise myself that if it gets too dangerous .I’ll just slip out .See i’m not flashy like Yolanda” This quote show us that Doris is more mature that Yolanda and she know what is bad and good at the same, we also see Doris try to stay away from the Yolandas problems.

    Yolanda bad influence because during her life she steal ,lie to the people who worry for her but she can’t see that ,she just think what she want and how get the things that she want . we can see in the quote on the page 75 “ “my name is Yolanda .” Yolanda was getting angry .i could tell bye the way she made her eyes flash at the woman ,like a cat getting ready to pounce” This quote show us that Yolanda is bad influence for Doris because her behavior is so bad . she usually wants the things for free without thinking in the consequences that she cause with her bad actions.

  6. Chen,Lin

    Doris is feeling invisible because the mother does not take care of his mood and feel in school, but she is thinking her mother who was disappointment for hers on own way.

    The quote from the story that teaches us about this character. We can see this in the quote on page 77. “ I stand there watching her, I’m feeling invisible again.”

    This quotes shows us that even though she to do something was wrong or bad, she must want her mother’s love and she worries her mother that how is looking at her.

    Yolanda is a thief because she wants expensive things, but she does not have enough money to buy them.

    The quote from the story that teaches us about this character. We can see this in the quote on page 79. “ In one motion she has stuffed the little bag into her coat pocket.”

    This quotes shows us that she’s a poor person who seems want everything and she in order to get those things that thieves something from other people. It is a big trouble with Yolanda.

    1. Doris has a bad relationship with her parents.

  7. Michelle Alvarado

    I think that Doris is a good girl, but at the same time she is scare about life and friends because she is little and she can not see what is good and bad? and for that she has a good mother who always tell her that she needs to try live her life as a teenager because growing older quickly is not good always.
    We can see this in the quote on page 77 “I bet you’ve been following that Yolanda around again. Nina I’m telling you that senorita is trouble. She’s trying to grow up too fast, sabes? Mira...”
    This quotes shows us that Dori’s mom is telling her that she does not need to grow up too fast just because Yolanda does because she has to live her life as a teenager, but not doing bad thing like stealing as Yolanda does and try to think about her and no about others.

    I think that Yolanda is a good girls, but at the same time rebellious and she wants to grow up too fast to become a leader to the other girls that is more younger than her. She does not has a lot things and because she is poor she steal,and because she does not has her mom love she think that she is alone and she has to get anything she wants by herself.
    We can see this in the quote on page 72 “Yolanda always yells at the security man, “I’ve been thrown out of better places than this!” And we have.”
    This quotes shows us that Yolanda is rebellious and doesn’t care about what people say about her. Also that Yolanda likes to yell to everybody who can’t give or leave to her to do or get and because she has a bad personality she always gets in troubles.

  8. Doris
    Top slice of bread =Doris is a shy person whose kind of struggling in her life because she always do what other people, like in this case Doris does everything what Yolanda wants. Doris is a follower wherever Yolanda goes Doris follow her.

    •In the middle is the meat = “shes always telling to look at something. and i always do. i look she does” this quote show us how Doris does everything what Yolanda told her to do, and this best describe her as a follower.

    •Bottom slice of bread = Doris follow Yolanda because she doesn't want Yolanda to get mad on her, thats why she does everything what Yolanda wants her to do it.

    Top slice of bread = Yolanda is a thief because whenever she doesn't have money to get what she wants she steal it.

    •Bottom slice of bread =”you got money? i notice that shes wearing a big raincoat of her mothers. its made of shiny bright green plastic and it has pockets.”

    •Bottom slice of bread =this show us that Yolanda doesn't have anyone to tell her what's right and wrong, thats why she does whatever she want.

    1. Stop using so much "what" it's wrong use "that"
      Ex:"Doris does everything what Yolanda wants"
      You make no sense...It should be "Doris does everything THAT Yolanda wants..:)"

  9. Esmarlin said:
    Doris is a girl that doesn’t has a good relationship with his mother and for this reason and other she feel very invisible. In a qoute of the short story Doris says in page 77 “ But she doesn’t look at me and she doesn’t wait for me to answer. she just keeps on singing something about leaving the cold American city and going home to a lover in the sun. I stand there watching her. I’m feeling invisible again.” This quote show us that Doris doesn’t has a good relationship with his mom and this is a of the reason that she feel invisible in home.


    Yolanda is a girl that want to be a model in the future. we can see this quote in page 73 where Doris says” she walks out of the dressing room with one hand on a hip, looking like a real model in a green velvet dress, gold earrings, and her white sneaker” this quote show us that Yolanda dreamed with be a real model and she will do anything to achieve his dream because when we have a dream, we need to strive to achieve our goals.

    1. I agree with you Yolanda never had a good family and she grow up alone.

  10. Doris is very timid because she is afraid about many things she scared to get in the trouble, she scared to be caught.

    We can see this in the quote on page 74, “I have enough problems without getting arrested.So I tell myself that if the police come, i’ll just make myself invisible and walk away.

    This quotes shows us that Doris don't want to be caught she don't want to have any problem anymore. She follows Yolanda sneak into the stage and act like a model if someone find out they are not model they will have big problem. And Doris don't want to get in the trouble.

    Yolanda is bossy and like to get in trouble because she lead the Doris sneak into the stage and she model the clothes and being caught by security.

    We can see this in the quote on page 73, “‘i ain't gonna steal it,Doris,’she says ‘I'm just gonna walk down that runway, like this.’ she walks out of the dressing room with one hand on a hip,looking like a real model in a green velvet dress,gold earrings, and her white sneakers.”

    This quotes shows us that Yoland like to do things is dangerous and she is enjoy it. She sneak into the dressing room when everyone is busy.And she act like a model didn't bean found she is not the girl until the girls are lined up for the show to begin.

  11. Jing Jiang

    Doris is scared because when they get a trouble, she will leave away. We can see this in the quote on page 80, “Yolanda looks around, but she can’t see me. I’m still moving back toward the light of the door. I know that I can’t act scared, that I shouldn't run.” This quote shows us Doris was scared because she was afraid to get in trouble, when Yolanda steals thing, she goes away.

    Yolanda is selfish because she wants to have everything she likes, but she always make them get in a trouble. We can see this in the quote on page 79, “She reaches into her pocket for a fistful of candy. “Want some?” In one motion she has stuffed the little bag into her coat pocket.” This quote shows us Yolanda is selfish because she wants to have beautiful things, but she doesn't have money, so she stole it, she always make herself and Doris get in trouble, because she always stole it, she never cares about Doris, she just wants to get anything she likes.

  12. Ronny Rodriguez

    character: Doris

    top slice of bread: Doris is insecure because she has not figured out what she really wants to do instead of follow yolanda every time.

    meat: we can see this in the quote on page 80, “i have to start trying to figure out who I am and where I want to go before i can help anybody else.”

    bottom slice of bread: this quote shows us that doris is not sure about who she wants to be and where does she really wants to go. the fact that doris always follows yolanda is what’s keeping her from becoming the person she wants.

    character: Yolanda

    top slice of bread: Yolanda is a troublemaker because she does bad things and she gets in trouble a lot.

    meat: we can see this in the quote on page 75, “young lady, do you realize that what you did today could be considered as a crime?”

    bottom slice of bread: this quote shows us that yolanda is a person who causes trouble. her behavior is because she wants the most expensive stuffs and the ones she can't buy. also, she doesn't have parents or someone who takes care of her.

  13. Federico Díaz

    I think Doris is a good friend and person, she cares about Yolanda but there’s is a point where she gets tired of getting in trouble because of her. Doris follows Yolanda because she is insecure about herself. Doris decides to stop being friend with Yolanda because she acts crazy, she is sick of her and her craziness. “Yes. I am sick. I am sick of following Yolanda into trouble. She has problems that make her act crazy.” (Pg80) This shows that Doris was tired of Yolanda getting her into problems. Yolanda didn’t have anybody who tell her what was wrong or right, but Doris did, she knew that what Yolanda was doing was wrong, so she decided to get away from her.

    I think Yolanda steals things because she was ambitious and she wanted to draw the attention of others with those expensive things she steals. Yolanda didn't have anybody to tell her what was wrong or what was right, her father died and her mother worked all day, so she did whatever she wants. “She’s got a little table set up as an altar with statues of santos and the Virgin Mary, and a picture of her dead husband, Yolanda’s father, who was killed during robbery. Yolanda says she doesn’t remember him that well anymore.” (Pg 78) This shows that Yolanda only had her mother but she was always working to get money for them. Yolanda didn’t have anybody to guide her to do the right thing.


    Doris is a person who want to see her family going up and never give up because she born to follow the leader she want Yolanda to do the right thing but Yolanda never listened to Doris.

    We can see this in the quote on page 72: “I was born to follow the leader, that’s what my mother says when she sees us together, and it’s true”

    I think it means that we have to make a choice between follow friends or follow the advices of my family.


    Yolanda is a person who wants to grow too fast, she is poor, rebellious and she doesn’t has her family love and thats why she thinks that she is alone and need to get everything by herself doesn’t matter the obstacles in front of her.

    we can see this in the quote on page 72; “Yolanda always yells at the security man, “I’ve been thrown out of better places than this!”

    I think it means that Yolanda is a person who doesn’t care about what people say about her and she doesn’t care about things and the people who is in front of her because she just care about her life and what she wants.

  15. Qianhong Huang

    Doris has bad relationship with her parents because when her mom asked her and she didn’t prepare to listen to her anwer.
    We can see this in the quote on page 77 “‘Hola,Doris ,how ‘s school?’my mother asks. But she doesn’t look at me and she doesn’t wait for me to answer .”
    This quote shows us that between Doris and her mother,they don’t have good relationship,Doris’s mom does not care about the answer,it may let Doris feel hurt.

    Yolanda is a bossy girl because she wants Doris stay with her and to do something with her.
    We can see this in the quote on page 72 “One time Yolanda and i skipped school and took a bus into the city-just because Yolanda wanted to look around the big store on Thirty-fourth Street.”
    This shows us that Yolanda is bossy, she does not care of Doris’s feeling, just let her skip the school with her and to things that she like .

  16. •Top slice of bread
    Yolanda is a girl that wants to wear good things , she wants to have many things because her parents don’t tell her nothing when she steal she feels good also she doesn’t say nothing to her parents when her parents ask her where was you she just turn around and don’t answer and she doesn't have a good relationship with her parents ,
    •In the middle is the meat
    we can see in the page 74 where she says “I have enough problems without getting arrested , so tell myself that if the police come , I ‘ will just make myself invisible and walk away ..
    Bottom slice of bread
    this quote show us that Yolanda is a bad girl and she does not care nothing just she wants to steal and she doesn’t want to change ..

    •Top slice of bread
    Doris is the sister of Yolanda and she doesn’t want expensive thing and she is quiet . also she doesn’t like steel when she has money she buy and also she has has a good relationship with her parents ..
    •In the middle is the meat
    we can see in the page 74 too where she say ‘’ I’’will just slip out , see I am not flash lake Yolanda , I ‘m practically invisible , my hair is kinkly , so I keep it greased down , and short and plain , not ugly and beautiful …
    Bottom slice of bread
    this quote show us that Doris is not a girl that wants wear good and elegants things , Doris try to be good with all and she has a good relationship with her parents , but with her sister has a little bad relationship .

  17. Li.jianzhou

    Doris is timid because when she get a trouble, she will leave away. We can see this in the quote on page 80, “Yolanda looks around, but she can’t see me. I’m still moving back toward the light of the door. I know that I can’t act scared, that I shouldn't run.” This shows us Doris was scared because she was afraid to get in trouble, when Yolanda steals thing, she goes away.

    Yolanda is bad because she wants to have everything she likes using bad way. We can see this in the quote on page 79, “She reaches into her pocket for a fistful of candy. “Want some?” In one motion she has stuffed the little bag into her coat pocket.” This quote shows us Yolanda is bad because she wants to have beautiful things, but she doesn't have money, so she stole it.

  18. Li, Jian Hui

    Doris develops her identity because her mother guides her and she makes a good choice to not steal. We can see this in the quote on page 80, “I have to start trying to figure out who I am and where I want to go before I can help anybody else. “This quote shows us that getting older can be challenging.

    Yolanda makes serious mistake because she steals something and don’t pay attention to Doris. We can see this in the quote on page 79, “In one motion she has stuffed the little bag into her pocket.”This quote shows us that people who don’t get positive attention can make serious mistake or bad choices.

  19. Doris
    Doris is a follower and was born to follow the leader. She was not wise enough to think that she is following a bad example.

    We can see on page 72 “I was born to follow the leader, that’s what my mother says when she sees us together, and it’s true”

    I think it mean that Doris does think to anything but following and do what ever Yolanda said.
    Yolanda is a fearless person and a bad influence for Doris. She was like a boss to Doris and brave to strangers.

    We can see on page 75 "Yolanda was getting angry , I could tell by the way she made her eyes flash at the woman ,like a cat getting ready to pounce."

    I think it mean that Yolanda was really furious and the argument and show Doris a bad way to talk back to matures .

  20. Vivian Liao

    Doris is sensible person, because she knows what is right,what is worry.
    We can see the quote on page 80, “Yes. i am sick. i am sick of following Yolanda into trouble. She has problems that make her act crazy.”
    This quote show us that Doris is sane person,when she saw Yolanda stealed,she knows she should leave the Yolanda and not follow her any more.

    Yolanda is the thief, because she steal the candy and bag.
    We can see the quote on page 79, “In one motion she has stuffed the little bad into her coat pocket.”
    This quote show us that Yolanda is not a good person. She want the bag,but she doesn’t have enough money,so the stealed.


  21. Abhi patel
    In Google Docs, create a document called Blog 3: "Character Quote Sandwiches"

    You will be creating two quote sandwiches, one for

    Write paragraph for each character, as a quote sandwich, following this structure:

    doris is a flower. she always follow yarolonda. We can see this in the quote on page 72, “”Mira, Mira.” my friend Yolanda yellas out. She’s always telling me to look at something. And I always do. I look, she does.”

    this quote tell us that doris is follower and she always listen to yolanda.

    yolanda always like to steal things. “We can see this in the quote on page 75, “” I wasn’t stealing your things,” she said, imitating the women's uptown accent. “Then what were you doing in our dressing room, trying to disrupt the fashion show?” “No. I was going to model the dress.”

    this quote tell us that yolanda is not honest girl. she always try to steal things.

  22. I think Doris is a girl that doesn’t has a good relationship with her mom . In a quote of the short story Doris says
    in page 77 “‘ Ho-la,Doris ,how ‘s school?’my mother asks. But she doesn’t look at me and she doesn’t wait for me to answer .”
    This quote shows us that her mom is a never care about Doris thinking ,even though Doris want to ask something ,her mom does not want get a answer to her ,therefore they get a bad relationship.

    I think Yolanda deserve our sympathy ,because her father is gone and she mother does not teach her something about what is true what is wrong , when she steals some thing she wants , she does not steal is wrong thing .
    in page78 “She’s got a little table set up as an altar with statues of Santos and the Virgin Mary, and a picture of her dead husband, Yolanda’s father, who was killed during robbery. Yolanda says she doesn’t remember him that well anymore.”
    this quote shows us that a person who was a child should be get Education , and should know what is true and what is wrong , if Yolanda can get those thing. maybe she is a good leader of the her high school class.

  23. Frances Mananghaya


    "Doris is a follower and invisible because she thinks that no one will notice her if she won’t follow Yolanda around. "

    She says on page 74, “I'm practically invisible. …..... Not ugly, not beautiful. Just a nothing. If it wasn’t for Yolanda, nobody would know I’m around.”

    This shows us that Doris is a follower and invisible because she sees herself as a nothing without Yolanda. She thinks that people wouldn’t know her if she’s not with Yolanda.

    “Yolanda is a cold person, thief, a bad influence, and selfish girl. She only thinks of herself. She doesn’t care for Doris. She is also outgoing. She’s crazy and will try anything for fun.”

    We can see this in the quote on page 76, “That same day we went up to the eighty-sixth floor of the Empire State Building- it’s just down the street from the store. Yolanda went all around the viewing deck like a child, yelling out, “Mira! Mira!” from every corner. She was feeling good.”

    This shows us that Yolanda is a cold person, thief, a bad influence, and selfish girl because she got into a trouble in Macy’s, she was still feeling good.

  24. You will be creating two quote sandwiches, one for

    Doris is a follower and she always listen order form the Yolanda, she never think about herself , she just follow the Yolanda which was not a good friends,but finally Doris know that Yolanda was not a good friend for her.

    in page 80,”I walk faster and faster until I am running and the world is going by so fast that I can’t tell what anyone else is doing. I only hear my heart pounding in my chest”

    Doris was afraid and tried about what was Yolanda was doing, so she choose to run away to get out of here, and also she does not want get arrest because she was standing there and do nothing to stop Yolanda.

    Yolanda was so crazy and always did the bad things, she never thing about what will happen next and never care about what happen to others. maybe she want someone ‘s attention or she just wants make herself happy but either way, she was doing bad things

    In page 72,” One time Yolanda and I skipped school and took a bus into city-- just because Yolanda wanted to look around the big store on Thirty-fourth Street. “

    This quote shows that Yolanda always doing things and never thinking about things, that is why she always did the bad things and chose the bad choices..

  25. Doris is lonely. She has a bad friendship with Yolanda. She thinks she is ordinary. She doesn’t know what does she want. She always is a follower.
    We can see this in the quote on page 80,"It's a song about being lonely, even in a crowd, and how that's the way life is for most people."
    This quote shows us Doris begings alone. Her mother doesn't care about her. She feels invisible. And her friend go to steal. She left her friend.

    Yolanda is a poor people.She wants love, but nobady cares about her. So she went to steal. Steal can makes her happy.
    We can see this in the quote on page 79,"In one motion she has stuffed the little bag into her pocket."
    This quote shows us Yolanda needs adult sense of responsibility. She needs somebady to tell her what is right way and what is wrong way.

  26. Doris is very wise girl but she is a follower and always follow yolanda, that makes her handicap because she can't stand on her own legs. She lost her own identity and she is confused because she doesn't know that staying with yolanda is right decision or not.

    Quote “ I was born to follow the leader, that’s what my mother says when she sees us together, and it’s true” ( Pg 72).

    This quote shows us that doris mom know the personality of her daughter. She know that yolanda feel invisible when ever she is with yolanda.

  27. Hugo Matto

    Doris is scared because when they get a trouble, she just want to go away. In this quote we can see ,on page 80, “Yolanda looks around, but she can’t see me. I’m still moving back toward the light of the door. I know that I can’t act scared, that I shouldn't run.” This quote shows us Doris was afraid to get in trouble, when Yolanda steals thing, she goes away.

    Yolanda is a good girls, but at the same time rebellious and she wants to grow up too fast to become a leader to the other girls that is more younger than her. She doesn’t has a lot things and because she is poor she steal,and because she doesn’t have her mom love she think that she is alone and she has to get anything she wants by herself.
    We can see it in line 72 “Yolanda always yells at the security man, “I’ve been thrown out of better places than this!” And we have.”
    This quotes shows us that Yolanda is rebellious and doesn’t care about what people say about her. Also that Yolanda likes to yell to everybody , because she has a bad personality she always gets in troubles.

    1. Such a big sandwich, it's gonna be difficult to swallow it.jk

  28. Shiwei Lin

    Doris is a lonely person because she thinks nobody care about how does she do, and how does she thinking.
    We can see this in the quote on page 77, “But she doesn’t look at me and she doesn’t wait for me to answer. She just keeps on singing something about leaving the aold American city and going home to a lover in the sun. I stand there watching her; I’m feeling invisible again.”
    This quote shows us that Doris’ mother doesn’t care about Doris’ thinking and feeling, it makes Doris feels invisible, and makes her become lonely person.

    Yolanda is a thief because she takes things from the store, but doesn’t give the money.
    We can see this in the quote on page 79, “She reaches into her pocket for a fistful of candy. ‘Want some?’ In one motion she has stuffed the little bag into her coat pocket.”
    This quote shows us that Yolanda steals a fistful of candy and a small bag into her coat pocket, she never gives money to the salesperson. So Yolanda is a thief.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Jamilex vargas

    You will be creating two quote sandwiches, one for
    Doris is a follower because she thinks that she is in the right track of her friend Yolanda. She thinks that if she follow her she going to be a nice person and she going to learn good things about her. We can see this in the quote on page 72 “One time Yolanda and I skipped school and took a bus into the city- just because Yolanda wanted to look around the big store Thirty-fourth Street”. This quote show us that Yolanda gave bad influence to Doris to cutting class and she didn’t said no to her and just go to her own responsibility.

    Yolanda is a girl that never grow up with her parents and no one was there to give advice to her. She is a person that always get in troubles and she like the way that she is because she do what she wants. We can see this in the quote on page 78 “She’s got a little table set up as an altar with statues of santos and the Virgin Mary, and the picture of her dead husband, Yolanda says she doesn’t remember him that well anymore, even though it’s only a couple of years since he died”. This quote means that she never met her father and never had this part of love about her family and she never have fun in her life never was happy just always get troubles and getting troubles for others people that she have in her life.

  31. Doris is quiet, because in the story she think Yolanda is great than her . and she always follow the Yolanda . listen the order from the Yolanda. we can see this quote in the page 74,”i am short and plain ,not ugly , no beautiful , just a nothing . ‘this quote show us Doris is shy and always listen to Yolanda, not herself .

    Yolanda is crazy, because when she want somethings ,she will steal it , she never care what happen to next , maybe her want other people’s attention . but it is so crazy, we can see this quote in the page 79 ‘’ in one motion she has stuffed the little bag into her pocket” this quote show us Yolanda always steal something into her pocket,and she getting into trouble. but no adult in her life to guide her, if someone teach her. maybe she will not steal thing.

  32. liu,shuping

    Doris is a lonely girl because she wants to get love from her mom,but who care her.Also,she has a bad friend,she doesn’t know what she can do that she always follow her friends. When she see her friend to steal things that she feel bad.We can see this in the quote on the page 80 “i am sick.I am sick of following Yolanda into trouble.She has problems that make her act crazy.”This quote shows us that Doris decides to walk away and she has herself thinking.

    Yolanda is a thief because she stealing and she putting the bag into her pocket so quickly.We can see this in the quote on the page 79 “In one motion she has stuffed the little bag into her pocket.” This quote shows us that Yolanda has bad behavior and she is foolish because if someone catch her that she will be terrible.

  33. David Madrid 02/22/13
    Ms. Mann ESS86QQR


    Doris is a girl who always follow her best friend, but she get tired of that and that’s why she wants to make her own decision. “ I am sick. I am sick to follow Yolanda into trouble.” ( pg 80 ). This quote show us that Doris do not going to follow her best friend any more because she is doing a lot of wrong things. Fanally we have to make our own decision because otherwise nobody is going to do for us.

    Yolanda is a girl who does not care anything because she only try to live her life without care the consequence. “She is crazy and will try anything for fun.” (pg 79). This quote show us that Yolanda will do anything to be funny and sometimes is not good because she is trying to take the world ahead.

  34. Doris is a girl who is in peer pressure of following her friend Yolanda because she always listens to her friend although it’s wrong.Now we can see that Doris is being independent and starting to know who she really is by not following her friend.On page 80 she says “I have to start trying to figure out who I am and where I want to go before I can help anybody else.”This quote shows us that Doris is struggling in her relationship with Yolanda because Doris has a mom who taught her right from wrong and Doris have to either forget her friend Yolanda or be like her.

    Yolanda is a girl who steals things from the store and behaves like a child.She didn't had a mom who shows her the right track of what’s wrong and what’s right and always wanted the things that she can’t even afford it.On page 79 she says”In one motion she has stuffed the little bag into her coat pocket.”From this quote we can predict that Yolanda is going to steal things because now she has a pocket on her coat and she had no money.

  35. Anyara Rodriguez

    Sometimes in life we don’t take our own steps, Doris is an example of it. Doris is a teenager who suffers of peer pressure, she doesn’t make decisions, she always follows her friend Yolanda. Doris should start making her own decisions and stop being a follower. On page 80 she says, “Maybe someday she’ll work them out, but i have to start trying to figure out who i am and where i want to go before i can help anybody else.” This shows us that Doris is starting to open her eyes and seeing the real life. Now Doris knows that she has to take her own way as a leader not a follower.

    We as teenagers don’t have enough care and love from our parents and that make us do incredible things in life. Yolanda never had her mother’s love or attention, also she didn’t a father because he died that’s what made her do the things she does. Yolanda does anything to get what she wants doesn’t matter if it has to be illegal she does it, Yolanda steals what she wants. On page she explains, “Yolanda unlatches the flap on the purse and takes out the crumpled paper in it. She reaches into her pocket for a fistful of candy. “want some?” In one motion she has stuffed the little bag into her coat pocket.” This shows us what horrible things Yolanda does just because she wants to be like the others girls who have fancy things.

  36. Pamela Javier 02 / 22 / 2013
    Ms. Mann ESS86QQR-56

    Doris is a lonely person , good person , responsible , she have the love
    of her mother etc.“ Maybe someday she’ll work them out, but I have to start traying to figure out who I am and where I want to go before I can help anybody else.” That show us that growing up and being a teenager is difficult , because we have to make really important decision in our life and for make good decision we have to start changing many things in life .

    Yolanda is a person who never had her parents love and that affect her as a teenager. Yolanda is a person who like to steal to get what she wants she is a not a honest person with others. Yolanda’s need love from her parents is what make her do all the mistakes she have does. “ She reaches into her pocket for a fistful of candy. want some? in one motion she has stuffed the little bag into her coat pocket.”This show us that Yolanda is capable of anything to get fancy things.

  37. "Character Quote Sandwiches”

    Doris is good girl,because she didn’t want to do bad things,she has her mother who love her and her parents guides her and she didn’t want to get trouble when the police came to find Yolanda.We can see this in the quote on page 74 “so I tell myself that if the police come,I’ll just make myself invisible and work away.”This show us Doris was scared,because Yolanda always to do bad things,when Yolanda get trouble that would affect Doris and that make Doris has to walk away from Yolanda.

    Yolanda is bad girl,because she want to have everything in bad ways.We can see this in the quote on page 77 “Yolanda and I ate a whole bagful of butter scotch candy.she wouldn’t tell me where she got it and I never saw her buy it,although I spent the whole day with her.”This show us Yolanda would steal the candy from somewhere and she didn’t pay attention another people,she just do what are she want.

  38. "Character Quote Sandwiches”

    Doris is good girl,because she didn’t want to do bad things,she has her mother who love her and her parents guides her and she didn’t want to get trouble when the police came to find Yolanda.We can see this in the quote on page 74 “so I tell myself that if the police come,I’ll just make myself invisible and work away.”This show us Doris was scared,because Yolanda always to do bad things,when Yolanda get trouble that would affect Doris and that make Doris has to walk away from Yolanda.

    Yolanda is bad girl,because she want to have everything in bad ways.We can see this in the quote on page 77 “Yolanda and I ate a whole bagful of butter scotch candy.she wouldn’t tell me where she got it and I never saw her buy it,although I spent the whole day with her.”This show us Yolanda would steal the candy from somewhere and she didn’t pay attention another people,she just do what are she want.

  39. Inteshar Shakil


    Doris is a good girl because she gets the love from her mother.She doesn’t like to do something wrong like the Yolanda did. So, she just follow the Yolanda because she is in peer preasure. She is afraid of her friend whose name is Yolanda. She just scared of
    doing something wrong. Also, she gets scared when her friend steal’s from the shop.She taught that something is going to happen to her. That’s why she likes to make herinvisible.

    One quote from page 80 is that “In one motion she has stuffed the little bag into her coat pocket “ This means that Doris doesn’t like to get in trouble. That’s why she justlike to be invisible.Her friend doesn’t even saw her when she left her.So, overall she doesn’t want to be face in problem.She just want to be invisible.


    Yolanda is a person who never had her parents love and that affect her as a teenager. Yolanda is a person who like to steal to get what she wants she is a not a honest person with others. Yolanda’s need love from her parents is what make her do all the mistakes she have does. “ She reaches into her pocket for a fistful of candy. want some? in one motion she has stuffed the little bag into her coat pocket.”This show us that Yolanda is capable of anything to get fancy things.

  40. Yeison Estrella
    •Top slice of bread
    Top slice of bread = Yolanda is a thief because when she doesn't have money to buy a clothes she just steal it,is a girl that wants to wear good things , she wants to have many things because her parents don’t tell her nothing. when she steal clothes she feels good ,also she doesn’t say nothing to her parents when her parents ask her where was you she just turn around and don’t answer. Yolanda doesn't have a good relationship with her parents ,
    •In the middle is the meat
    In the page 74 we can see where she says “I have enough problems without getting arrested , so tell myself that if the police come , I ‘ will just make myself invisible and walk away.”
    Bottom slice of bread
    This quote show us that Yolanda is a bad girl and she doesn't care what happened to doris, she left alone doris at the big store.Yolanda is a bad friend with doris.Yolanda just she want to steal things she don't care anything.

    Yeison Estrella
    •Top slice of bread
    Doris is feeling invisible because the mother does not take care of his mood and feel in school, but she is thinking that her mother who was deception of hers on own way.
    •In the middle is the meat
    The quote from the story we can see this in the quote on page 77. “ I stand there watching her, I’m feeling invisible again.”
    Bottom slice of bread
    This quote show us that Doris is not feeling happy, she want to be invisible again.

  41. Tran Ly

    Doris is a nice girl, because she always does the things that her friend tell her to do. She doesn’t want to do the bad things. She struggles to her relationship with Yolanda and decides to walk away from the friendship.
    We can see this quote on page 80 “I have to start trying to figure out who I am and where I want to go before I can help anybody else. I don’t tell my mother any of this. It’s better if I just let her take care of me for a little while.”
    This quote shows us that she makes a choice in her life, to do not steal, to let go of the friendship with Yolanda. It’s was the hard time in her life. Also shows us that she needs love and attention. Doris has her mother, who guides her,lover her and pay attention to her.

    Yolanda is a bossy people, who always yells other people. Also she is a thief because she takes things from the store, but doesn’t have money to pay.
    We can see this in the quote on page 79, “She reaches into her pocket for a fistful of candy. ‘Want some?’ In one motion she has stuffed the little bag into her coat pocket.”
    This quote shows us that she is stealing a fistful of candy and a small bag into her coat pocket. And she getting trouble, because she has no adult to guide her, and has no attention from positive in her life. So she makes foolish things and dangerous choice.
